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Annesa L Lacey

Founder & Chief ImaginEngineer

P R E S S   K I T

It all started with, “I’m telling!”


I'm Annesa L Lacey & I'm the founder of a.l.interpretations.  I've  always had something to report & usually it’s at the expense of others.  Since childhood, I developed quite an unattractive habit of snitching on my siblings & peers. 

Yep.  If I saw it, I told it!  ;-b 


Being excommunicated from familial affection & inside jokes – as well as being the target of many retaliatory sibling/peer ambushes & assaults – I forged ahead, honing my talent of sharing stories & other vital news.

@.l.interpretations’ ghostwritten books, web content, & customized business mastermind programs speak to next-level, advanced experts & boutique consultants who want to leverage their expertise on a larger scale.


In short, we'll lead your exodus from being a best-kept secret, to propel you into what we have already coined, 'The Thought Leadersphere’.

Small World

Ray Bradbury, one of my favorite childhood authors, confirmed my destiny to share YOUR stories in this 1972 interview.  Enjoy!  #WeNeedInterpreters #ItsInterpretation  #ALInterpretations  #YouRang?


We all have stories.  What's yours?

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